Product details

This 16mm lay flat T-tape for glasshouses and tunnels is also suitable for flower crops, vegetable crops and capillary beds. It can be used for beds up to 50m in length either outside or inside the polytunnel or glasshouse.

Drip tapes are preferred in glasshouse and tunnel situations as they are economical with water. It also allows easy feeding, and the dry foliage helps keep the plants disease free. Flower production is particularly benefited by drip tape watering the crops as they benefit from watering directly into the soil.

Drip tapes come on a roll and are layflat, expanding when filled with water. The T-tape is manufactured from polythene and has a labyrinth structure welded into the drip tape to give economical watering at each outlet.

As the T-tape for glasshouses and tunnels has a low pressure requirement, allowing it to be used with remote nurseries and off-grid – the minimum head to operate is 3m. For gravity fed systems the pressure regulator is not required.

Operating pressure: 0.3-0.9 bar. Output: 5 litres per metre per hour @ 20cm dripper spacing. A filter and pressure regulator are recommended for pumped or mains water supplies.

T-tape for glasshouses and tunnels is normally spaced at one line of drip tape for every row of crop, but on close spaced crops such as lettuce the row spacing can be every 0.3m – 0.45m apart. For capillary beds space the drip tape 0.6m apart.

To calculate how much T-tape is needed

For each bed work out the bed length and multiple by the number of runs needed on that bed. Then add together the requirements for each individual bed to give a total requirement. In addition to the T-tape, an entry fitting will be needed for every run to connect the drip tape to the header pipe.

375m reels (250 micron) and 675m reels (150 micron).


T-Tape For Glasshouses and Tunnels

Designed for row crops in glasshouses, each dripper just 20cm apart.

From:   £150.00 (excl VAT)

From:   £180.00 (inc VAT)

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