Temporary Sports Pitch Watering Packages
Temporary cricket square watering package
From: £2,300.00 (excl VAT)
From: £2,760.00 (inc VAT)
Temporary Lawn Watering Kits
From: £370.00 (excl VAT)
From: £444.00 (inc VAT)
Mains Fed Temporary Pitch Watering Package
From: £3,990.00 (excl VAT)
From: £4,788.00 (inc VAT)
Temporary Pitch Watering Package with Pump & Tank
From: £7,610.00 (excl VAT)
From: £9,132.00 (inc VAT)
Temporary sports watering sprinklers are designed to water sports pitches using riser sets that are placed across the pitch to water a strip at a time, minimising water consumption. The sprinklers are typically moved down the length of the pitch to water a strip at a time.
Football, rugby and cricket pitches are very large and require a large amount of water each day to keep them watered, especially in hot dry conditions. Automated watering systems require large water storage tanks and pumps to operate, putting them outside the budget of most sports clubs. By using temporary sprinklers the water consumption is reduced, allowing the systems to be run directly from the mains water supply, or using a smaller pump and water storage tank.
For smaller patches of turf, such as goal areas or centre spots, a smaller watering package is available to allow localised areas to be watered using 3 or 5 temporary sprinklers.
A number of temporary sports watering packages are available to cover grass playing fields. The sprinklers are laid out each night and the watering is done overnight when the pitch is not being used and the evaporation rates are lower. The water has time to soak into the pitch before the temperatures rise – reducing evaporation.
With temporary watering systems, as the amount of water is restricted due to the mains water supply, it is important to commence watering before the ground becomes too dry. Ideally watering needs to commence in May time to ensure the reservoirs on moisture in the turf are not too depleted by the time July and August arrive.
Access Irrigation are able to supply Temporary Sports Watering Sprinklers using our online ordering service. We offer FREE delivery on all orders over £125 (+VAT).