Irrigation system for hanging baskets and patio pots – take away the chore of watering by hand

Hanging baskets and patio pots instantly attract the eye with their beautiful, colourful displays. They immediately soften nearby buildings and instantly brighten up your garden. The problem is that they dry out very quickly, due to their shallow depth. This is even more so for hanging baskets, as they tend to be positioned high above the ground where the wind will impact them – meaning that they will dry out even faster. This can make watering become a nightmare – especially during a long, hot summer when you can never seem to water enough! So, if you’re exasperated by the amount of time it’s taking you to water, or if you’d like a hanging basket and patio pot system but don’t know where to start – then look no further – as we provide an all-inclusive irrigation system for hanging baskets and patio pots.
Introducing our all-inclusive dripper system
Our systems use individual dripper nozzles – with the standard practice being to use one dripper for each hanging basket or patio pot, although if baskets and pots are large, additional drippers can be used. These technologically sophisticated drippers are pressure compensated and continuously self-cleaning – ensuring that all baskets and pots within the system are watered evenly and efficiently. This sophisticated technology allows extremely slim, 6mm piping to be used. The fact that this piping is as slim as a pencil means that it can run along the mortar line of a building, being barely visible. For this purpose, pipe clips with masonry nails are supplied – allowing the pipe to be fitted firmly and securely. Very conveniently, the drippers themselves are also tees – being designed to tee off from the pipe to reach your hanging baskets or patio pots at each required interval. Additional 6mm pipe will then run from the outlet of each dripper tee to a stake fixed in the soil of each basket or pot. These stakes will ensure that the dripper flow is firmly secured, whilst also ensuring that the pipe outlet doesn’t get blocked due to soil particles or debris.
These systems include a tap connector with a built-in filter – designed to thread directly below the outlet of any standard outside tap. The 6mm supply pipe will then connect directly below the tap connector.
Automate your system with a tap timer controller
You can make watering even more convenient by using a tap timer controller to allow full automation. These controllers are designed to thread directly below an outside tap and allow you to set up to four separate watering times and durations per day – watering little and often is best for hanging baskets and patio pots. Automating your system will give you peace of mind that the system will be watered at the times and durations you have chosen, and will also save water – preventing you from leaving the tap on for too long by mistake. Another advantage of automating your system is that during a hosepipe ban you’ll normally still be allowed to use a dripper system, if it’s operated by a tap timer.
Use our hanging basket feeder to help your flowers flourish
Feeding hanging baskets is always a problem as their compost volumes are so small. Using our feeder solves this problem as it adds low doses of fertiliser every time you feed – meaning that fertiliser is applied in a balanced way, ideally suited to hanging baskets. Our feeder uses a slow-release fertiliser cartridge and is conveniently designed to be directly connected within the run of 6mm supply pipe included in our all-inclusive dripper system. This results in beautiful hanging baskets filled with colourful and attractive displays of flowers for all to enjoy.