Lawn Irrigation and Sprinkler Systems
A neatly trimmed, lush green lawn provides a canvas around which the textures and colours of the border planting are displayed – a lawn irrigation system can achieve this even during a hot, dry summer.

Planning ahead
For an effective lawn irrigation system you need good quality pop-up sprinklers installed in the lawn using underground pipework, making the system invisible when not in use. During watering, the sprinkler rises out of the ground and covers the area in rain-like droplets. Once finished, the sprinkler retracts back into the lawn, allowing you to mow the grass and use your garden as normal.
Regular lawn watering is important in areas of heavy use, allowing the grass to recover even during dry weather. For areas with only shallow soil depths, regular irrigation of lawns is vital, as only a few days of hot, dry weather will deplete the water reserves of the grass.

Lawn sprinkler systems
Access lawn watering systems are available in a wide range of types and sizes to ensure even water distribution. Although every lawn is different, we use two main sprinkler layouts – edge watering and centre watering.
Edge watering places the sprinklers on the perimeter of the lawn, with sprinklers on a 180 degree arc, reducing over-spay and providing more even coverage in windy areas. Centre watering keeps costs down as full circle nozzles are placed down the centre of the lawn. To ensure reasonable coverage, the lawn sprinkler system must be set to throw further, resulting in less even watering and more over-spray. This can be useful if there are borders around the lawn to be watered.

Small lawn sprinklers
The irrigation of small or complex lawn areas has always been difficult. With a rotary water sprinkler, when the arc changes, the precipitation rate changes as well, resulting in uneven water application.
The new MP rotator spray head, however, solves these problems, giving an even precipitation rate regardless of the arc. In addition, the MP rotator has a low water consumption, reducing wastage and water consumption.