Irrigation Installation
Professional guidance during the irrigation installation phase ensures concepts turn into reality – reliably.

Working in partnership
Access Irrigation will provide all the information and instruction necessary to enable the installation of the irrigation system to run smoothly. Irrigation installation can be undertaken by on-site landscapers, M&E or general site labourers.

Project management
For smaller projects, Access Irrigation provides a comprehensive instruction manual and a tool kit with essential equipment.
On larger projects, a project management service is available, with on-site training provided by Access Irrigation with regular site visits to monitor progress. The final testing and system assessment will be undertaken by Access Irrigation installers. Following the irrigation installation, we will conduct routine service visits to ensure smooth operation of the system.

Our expertise
Access Irrigation advise the architect at the start of the project on the most suitable type of irrigation and provide information on compliance with the water regulations. Using scale plans, we are able to produce irrigation designs and costings for the project, along with the relevant information for specifiers and contractors.
Once the project commences we provide project management services. Once commissioned, Access Irrigation will also offer service visits to ensure that the irrigation system keeps operating as intended.