Football Pitch Sprinklers and Irrigation Systems
With prolonged periods of dry weather, football pitches can become increasingly difficult to play on. Ensure top-notch playing conditions and achieve exceptional turf quality and efficient water usage with our football pitch sprinklers and irrigation systems.

Football pitch irrigation packages for every budget
Access Irrigation can provide an irrigation solution to watering your football pitch even when the budget is tight. A playing surface is especially difficult to maintain and the amount of water required a challenge.
Our range of football pitch sprinklers and irrigation packages can help reduce the stress of pitch care.

Travelling football pitch sprinkler irrigation systems
For amateur clubs, academies and schools our travelling sprinkler and reel irrigator packages offer a cost effective solution. Easy to setup and automatic in operation they can water a wide strip of pitch with each setting.
The packages include the sprinkler unit or reel, cat 5 pressure booster set, underground pipework, flexible connection hose and take off.

Temporary football pitch sprinklers
Where an adequate mains water supply is available our basic sprinkler package is a lower cost option. 6 sprinklers cover a 10m strip across the width of the pitch and cover the whole pitch in 10 moves. The system comprises sled type risers, daisy chained together. These are moved into a new position each night. A battery controller is included to allow the system to automatically water overnight. The package includes sprinkler sleds, flexible connection hose and a trolley to aid set up.
For clubs with a poorer water supply, a package with a pump and water storage tank is also available.